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This study produced fish mortadella from Mechanically Separated Meat (MSM) of Nile tilapia added with animal fat. Three formulations were developed: M1 (MSM - 89 % and 5 % pork fat), M2 (MSM - 84 % and 10 % pork fat) and M3 (MSM - 79 % and 15 % pork fat). The elaborated products were tested for technological, physical, physico-chemical, microbiolog...

By Heloísa Maria Ângelo Jerônimo, Maria Elieidy Gomes de Oliveira, Carlos Eduardo Vasconcelos de Oliveira, Natália Ferrão Castelo Branco Melo, Alex Poeta Casali, Antônio Rosendo da Costa, Aryane Ribeiro da Silva, Ricácia de Sousa Silva, Tânia Lúcia Montenegro Stamford

This journal is Formerly known as a Test Journal