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8th Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference

13-15 May 2024 | Dresden, Germany - Discuss the latest research on the role of chemistry in contributing to achieving the SDGs. - Present your own research as a short talk or poster

Submit abstracts here by 8 December 2023
8 December 2023

Abstract submission:

26 January 2024

Author notification:

1 March 2024

Author registration and early booking deadline:

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  1. Energy Conversion and Storage

  2. Sustainable Chemistry and Climate Mitigation

    1. CO2 Utilisation & Storage

    2. Hydrogen Economy

    3. Reduction of Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollutant Emissions

    4. Other Approaches

  3. Sustainable Chemistry and Environmental Science

  4. Sustainable Chemistry: The Bigger Picture

    1. Education

    2. Society

    3. Economy & Alternative Business Models

  5. Safe and Sustainable by Design

  6. Sustainable Chemistry and Circular Economy

  7. Chemical Recycling of Waste

  8. Sustainability Metrics and Assessment

  9. Recent Developments in Greener Synthesis and Catalysis

  10. Photochemistry and Photocatalysis

  11. Green Analytical Chemistry

  12. Green and Sustainable Pharmacy

  13. Sustainability of Elements and Materials

    1. Metals

    2. Plastics

    3. Resources management and monitoring

  14. Sustainable Chemistry and Agriculture, Regenerative Systems, Biomass and Bioresources

The last edition of the Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference (GSCC) held in Dresden last May was a resounding success - more participants then ever from all over the world! Given the global issues we are facing this is not only good news, but urgently needed and a very positive development after the Covid pandemic. It demonstrates how important and how much needed and appreciated face to face exchange is in science.

In a recent report it was found that most of the planet is already hurt. At the same time we see more and more resource issues, including social and economic frictions coming along with it. These challenges require even more interdisciplinary exchange, understanding, concepts and working within chemistry and sub-disciplines, but also with the world outside of chemistry. As the material world around us is shaped by chemistry, chemistry, both as science and an industrial sector, is one of the most important disciplines to solve the upcoming issues. These contributions however should be truly sustainable and not just an add-on technical solution ("same old thinking and business as usual“); we need interdisciplinary and inter regional cooperation. The GSCC conference has fostered this from the very first edition and this will continue.

However it was also clear from the very beginning that, apart from this interdisciplinary approach, solid knowledge in chemistry itself is also needed to successfully address the above-mentioned challenges and to identify the opportunities which exist. All this is needed in reproach and desertion of worldwide existing policies towards more sustainable development (e.g. UN SDGs, European Green Deal, Planetary Boundaries, Climate Action). As products of chemical and allied industries, such as pharmacy, are the most important basis of our material life and increasingly for energy and health as well, and as they are basically present in all areas of human existence, sustainable chemistry - including, but differing from green chemistry and the role of chemistry within a circular economy - is an indispensable pillar of a more sustainable future. Sustainable chemistry therefore is interdisciplinary in its character and thus it includes the questions: Chemistry for what? Chemistry for whom? And why? With such an understanding, I am sure, the above mentioned challenges can be met in a sustainable manner!

The 8th GSCC will be a great opportunity to discuss and further develop the key characteristics of sustainable chemistry (https://www.isc3.org/en/service/policy-papers.html(opens in new tab/window)), the relationship of sustainable chemistry and green chemistry, and the role of chemistry within a circular economy.

I am inviting you to this most needed and, at the same time in a positive sense, most exciting journey!

See you at the 8th GSCC in Dresden in May 2024!

Klaus Kümmerer Conference Chair

Elsevier Foundation Chemistry for Climate Action Challenge

A unique feature of the conference is the Elsevier Foundation Chemistry for Climate Action Challenge(opens in new tab/window) - previously the Elsevier Foundation Green & Sustainable Chemistry Challenge.

The five finalists of the 2024 edition of the challenge will give a short presentation to the judges at the Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference where the winning project will be announced.

View winners of previous editions of the Challenge here.(opens in new tab/window)

Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry (opens in new tab/window)

In Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry(opens in new tab/window), we help the reader by providing in a systematic manner:

1. The views of experts on current advances in Green and Sustainable Chemistry in a clear and readable form.

2. Evaluations of the most interesting papers, annotated by experts, from the great wealth of original publications.

The subject Green and Sustainable Chemistry includes all chemical aspects along the life cycle of chemicals as well chemical products and materials e.g. resources, synthesis, use and after life issues. It aims on better understanding where and how chemistry itself can be made more sustainable and whereby chemistry can contribute to sustainability in general.

Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry

Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy (opens in new tab/window)

All authors of accepted contributions to the Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference in Berlin are invited to submit a manuscript to Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy(opens in new tab/window).

Your article will receive a lot of extra promotion by extensive marketing campaigns for this new journal and a promotional open access of three months. All submitted manuscripts will undergo a high quality review process before a final decision being made.

Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy(opens in new tab/window) publishes research that is related to chemistry, pharmacy and sustainability science in a forward oriented manner. It provides a unique forum for the publication of innovative research on the intersection and overlap of chemistry and pharmacy on the one hand and sustainability on the other hand. This includes contributions related to increasing sustainability of chemistry and pharmaceutical science and industries itself as well as their products in relation to the contribution of these to sustainability itself. As an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary journal it addresses all sustainability related issues along the life cycle of chemical and pharmaceutical products form resource related topics until the end of life of products.

Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy

Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry (opens in new tab/window)

Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry builds on Elsevier's reputation for excellence in scientific publishing and long-standing commitment to communicating reproducible chemistry research targeted at improving human health.

  • Expertise - Editors and Editorial Board bring depth and breadth of expertise and experience to the journal.
  • Speed - Submission and peer review is fast, and publication of final manuscripts is instantaneous.
  • Discoverability - Articles get high visibility and maximum exposure on an industry-leading platform that reaches a vast global audience.
Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry

7th Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference 22-24 May 2023 | Dresden, Germany

6th Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference Online – Live and On-demand | 16-18 November 2021

5th Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference 10-11 November 2020 | Online

4th Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference 5-8 May 2019 | Dresden, Germany

3rd Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference 13-16 May 2018 | Hotel Intercontinental Berlin, Germany

2nd Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference 14 - 17 May 2017 | Hotel InterContinental Berlin, Germany

1st  Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference 3  - 6 April 2016 |  Hotel InterContinental Berlin, Germany

What  previous delegates thought about the conference:

“High level of scientific content (presentations, posters)” “High quality of keynote lectures” “The topic and scope of this conference is very relevant to today’s society and environment and the world.”



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Enlit is a constantly growing, inclusive and end-to-end forum that addresses every aspect of the energy agenda. A community that for 365-days a year collaborates and innovates to solve the most pressing issues in energy. Join us for the latest news, inspiring stories, insights, marketplace and virtual and live events.

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